Closet organization systems range from do-it-yourself solutions to advanced planning and renovation by design experts.
For those who wish to do it themselves, the first step is always a purge of unneeded materials. Many times there are items in our closets that simply don’t belong. You can box up those items and put them in your attic or a more appropriate closet. Better yet, rid yourself of unnecessary items completely and donate them to charity.
The next step is to decide how much your current system works for you. A single rod is often not enough for closet users today. You can install a system that has several racks, shelves and drawers. If you have a walk-in closet, you have many options.
You should decide your needs before you lift a hammer or pay a renovator. Grab a pad of paper and answer these questions: What do I need every day? Which accessories do I need to accommodate in my closet? Do I want to keep my shoes in their boxes or on a rack? Where do I want to store off-season clothes? What else must be stored in my closet besides my clothes and my accessories? If you share the closet with a spouse, you will need his or her answers as well.
Other questions to ask include: What do I like about my current closet (if anything)? Is the light adequate? Do I want or have room for a bench or chair? What about a mirror? Will I need electric outlets for an iron, hair dryer or other appliance?
If you allow approximately five inches for each piece of clothing, you can calculate how much rack space you may want. If you consider that three sweaters can stack neatly on a shelf that is 12 x 12, you can calculate how much shelf space you need. You can evaluate drawer space in a similar manner.
Once you have answers to all of these questions, you should be able to envision or even sketch out an organizational plan. There are numerous systems on the market, ranging from casual, open shelving to highly finished looks. As you experiment with ideas, remember to prioritize your items. That way you will anticipate what you want at eye level, what can be near the floor, what needs placed up on top, and what you can tuck away out of sight or in a locked drawer.
With your ideas and your plan, you can create a space that you will use and enjoy for years to come. We would be happy to help you design and install the perfect closet space for your needs. Give us a call at 317-846-2600 or send us an email.